On Sun, 2009-05-10 at 18:56 -0400, Mark Loeser wrote: > Sérgio Almeida <meph...@gmail.com> said: > > Abstract: > > > > Universal Select Tool is an utility to manage system configuration. > > This tool is similar to the unmaintained eselect utility of Gentoo or > > Exherbo's eclectic. The idea is to create a tool that manages both > > system settings and user settings with profile creation possibilities. > > The utility will use mostly concepts from "modules", "softenv", and > > both "eselect" and "eclectic". > > I guess this is a very high level question...but do we need yet another > eselect? Why can't we enhance or fix what we already have rather than > creating everything from scratch? >
Mark, >From my point of view, uselect is not YA eselect. eselect wasn't thought from the beginning to be universal and therefore it would need a full re-write as you suggest. At this point (and SoC hasn't yet started) I have implemented uselect with all eselect capabilities in python (served as well to un-rust myself from python programming) and it is extremely faster. uselect supports modules in any scripting language (implemented too) and eselect only supports bash. uselect new architecture supports the auto-creation of simple symlinking/environment/alias modules (most of them will be it) using only a few regular expressions to define what to change and not how to change (uselect will do it for you). At this point eselect may be considered deprecated as it's functionalities are limited and there is no much we can do besides bloating bash code (what you call enhance) and bugfixing. Let us all consider uselect another utility with some "similar" functionalities from eselect but with a lot more features from modules and softenv. I knew your question would pop up and it is important to everyone to know the differences between the two utilities. I will post (in a near future) an example package for everyone to test and give it's opinion on how should every idea work instead of leaving all the decisions to me. Thanks. Cheers, Sérgio -- Sérgio Almeida <meph...@gmail.com> mephx @ freenode