On Sat, 2009-05-16 at 17:59 +0100, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> > Don't care. Let's fix the problems we have *now* using solutions that
> > we can agree upon, rather than try to foist solutions that a
> > reasonably large population of developers *don't* like (even after
> > extended debate) to solve problems that don't exist yet.
> No, let's fix it so we don't have to do the whole thing again in
> another year or two.

I see nothing about the current problem that merits the fooling around
with the ebuild extension. I've listened to and considered all the
arguments that have been made, and I still stand by my opinion that it
an unclean solution (meaning, we don't need to rehash those arguments
again here).

Bottom line, we (everyone who has been on this discussion from the
beginning) disagree. Just as we did a year ago. Standing steadfast on
the filename extension just means that all the version format problems
that you're trying to solve are going to stand blocked because of it.

I think it makes far more sense to work towards agreeing on a solution
rather than restating the same arguments every 6 months and reaching the
same impasse.

-- Arun

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