On Sat, 16 May 2009 22:24:04 +0530
Arun Raghavan <ford_pref...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> On Sat, 2009-05-16 at 17:47 +0100, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> > Ok, what are all the things requiring format-break changes that
> > we'll want in the next ten years? Please provide a complete list.
> Don't care. Let's fix the problems we have *now* using solutions that
> we can agree upon, rather than try to foist solutions that a
> reasonably large population of developers *don't* like (even after
> extended debate) to solve problems that don't exist yet.

No, let's fix it so we don't have to do the whole thing again in
another year or two.

Ciaran McCreesh

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