Jan Kundrát wrote:
> Steve Long wrote:
>>> insinto /usr/share/doc/${P}/examples
>> Is there any chance we can start using correctly quoted filenames across
>> the board?
> Since when is ${P} allowed to have spaces?
I believe I answered this in my prior post.
>> Besides being faster (quote the whole thing)
> Have you done a benchmark certifying that "/usr/share/doc/${P}/examples"
> is faster than /usr/share/doc/${P}/examples?
Here you go (this is on an old machine, so you'll get much quicker times if
you try this at home):
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ echo "$(<run)"
for ((i=0;i<100000;i++)); do echo /usr/share/doc/${P}/examples > /dev/null;
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ echo "$(<run2)"
for ((i=0;i<100000;i++)); do echo "/usr/share/doc/$P/examples" > /dev/null;

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ for ((l=0;l<5;l++)); do time -p ./run; done
real 11.25
user 9.96
sys 1.13
real 11.12
user 9.82
sys 1.16
real 10.99
user 9.70
sys 1.15
real 11.25
user 10.02
sys 1.07
real 11.36
user 10.06
sys 1.16

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ for ((l=0;l<5;l++)); do time -p ./run2; done
real 9.24
user 8.00
sys 1.11
real 9.22
user 8.02
sys 1.08
real 9.08
user 7.90
sys 1.06
real 9.23
user 7.96
sys 1.15
real 9.18
user 7.98
sys 1.09

>> more useful error messages in the case of a dev/user slip-up
> Could you elaborate?
File not found "foo/bar bar/" as opposed to two separate lines; for elib
functions, one would expect there to be an error handler which would be
wrapping that, per-parameter.
>> They also highlight better in a capable editor.[1]
> Please elaborate.
I did.

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