On Wednesday 15 October 2008 10:33:22 Steve Long wrote:
> Here you go (this is on an old machine, so you'll get much quicker times if
> you try this at home):
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ echo "$(<run)"
> #!/bin/bash
> P='some-crap/god-i-hate-asshats'

I do hope that that isn't directed at anyone in particular.

> for ((i=0;i<100000;i++)); do echo /usr/share/doc/${P}/examples > /dev/null;

> real 11.25

> real 9.24

So that's what, on the order of 20 microseconds faster for each iteration?

This is a purely stylistic issue, same as the braces with variable expansions.  
You're free to write your own code however you like, but harassing other 
people to do things your favourite way with no practical benefit is just 
going to annoy everyone. 

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