On Sat, Jan 26, 2008 at 05:08:42PM -0800, Zac Medico wrote:
> In order to trigger removal of the old digests, all that we have to do is add 
> a
> file named manifest1_obsolete to the root of the repository. Presence of that
> file causes repoman to automatically remove the old digests upon commit. If
> people don't update their whole cvs tree then they are likely to miss this 
> file
> which will cause them to generate the old digest files and add them back to 
> the
> tree unnecessarily. If that happens then it's not a major problem but we 
> should
> try to make sure that everybody gets the file in order to prevent confusion.
Related to the top level of the tree, can we get a release of repoman
that detects if a checkout is a subset only (eg no top level), for folk
that have subtree checkouts only? (Probably look for skel.*/profile
items two levels up).

> After we've added the manifest1_obsolete file we can either let the old digest
> files disappear gradually or we can actively remove them.  It's possible to 
> use
> repoman to remove them from a single package, from a whole category, or from 
> the
> whole tree at once.  The repoman --force option can be used to make it work
> faster by skipping dependency checks. If we want to actively remove them then
> the best approach is probably to use repoman to remove them from one category 
> at
> a time.
I vote for actively removing them. I can do big commits like that on the
CVS server, and save the network turnaround time that would happen

> If there are no objections then I don't so any reason not to go ahead and add
> the manifest1_obsolete sometime in the near future. Thoughts?
Let's do it. I look forward to a lot less inodes on my disks.

Doing some rough calculations:
~6700/12400 packages have only digests in their files/ directory.
CVS overhead removal from pruned files/ directories:
6700*5 = 33500 inodes (3 files in CVS/, plus 2 directories).
Removal of direct digest-$PV files:
25335 files, 1 inode per file.
58835 inodes total

Robin Hugh Johnson
Gentoo Linux Developer & Infra Guy
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