On Thu, 2008-01-10 at 14:06 +0000, Duncan wrote: 
> Petteri Räty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted [EMAIL PROTECTED],
> excerpted below, on  Wed, 09 Jan 2008 22:41:55 +0200:
> > Luca Barbato kirjoitti:
> >> Petteri Räty wrote:
> >>> [Java]
> >> 
> >> any plan/idea about icedtea? as a ppc user I'd love[]
> >> 
> > Well having it open source doesn't mean automatically ppc support but
> > there are people working on it.
> As a (non-ppc, amd64 FWIW) libreware user, I too am happy to see 
> someone's working on icedtea.  I'd love to have a real/working Java as a 
> viable option once again.  Not demanding as I'm very aware I'm not doing 
> the work, just wondering, and appreciating that it's even possible, now, 
> and all the work people both upstream and Gentoo are putting into it.
> ETA?  At least order of magnitude (weeks, months, years, hopefully not 
> decades! =8^)?  I'm not afraid of overlays.

No clue on ETA. I will take a peek/poke at it. I need to double check,
but pretty sure icedtea might still need sun-jdk to build. Even if that
is not the case, things like the plugin and other non-open aspects
aren't available yet in icedtea. So there is still much left to be

I am pretty sure due to the need either for build or run of sun-jdk we
aren't really motivated to do anything special with icedtea at this
time. Really doesn't allow us to do anything more than we can now with
openjdk. Sure some more free tools are used to build instead of entirely
using sun-jdk. But it's not complete, so leaves stuff to be desired.



Not to burst your bubble or pee in your corn flakes. But I will see what
I can do to slowly start making an effort to package it. Love to see a
contributor or someone step up there. As over all maintenance of openjdk
is ALLOT atm due to weekly releases :(

William L. Thomson Jr.

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