Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> On Fri, 21 Dec 2007 03:17:12 +0100
> Luca Barbato <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Putting a tag in the file name or at the to of the file as comment
>> (maybe using a #! line) is the same ...

> * It's a format restriction. Some formats have to start with something
> that's not #!.

Who cares? Gentoo uses the ebuild/bash-with-shebang format. If you're
trying to shove in something outside of that, that would be a package
manager-specific format. Like XML-stuff (that can't include the shebang
or EAPI="foo" at the top) specifically for, say, Paludis.

But wait,

Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
>> robertz wrote:
>> especially PM specific EAPI. We can't have PM specific EAPI,
>> otherwise we are risking forking/splitting ourself.
> Package manager EAPIs don't belong in the main tree, but they have
> uses outside of it.

If it's package manager-specific, then it doesn't belong in the main
tree, as you stated. Would that include trying to push in the proposed
suffix changes? If they have uses outside of it, then consider
supporting it *only in that package manager*, rather than trying to
force it on what is largely an unreceptive Gentoo group. Near as I can
tell, it's only the Paludis folks that are interested in pushing this
GLEP through.

It doesn't seem like additional suffix flexibility is all that desirable
except to the folks who represent one package manager. And, well, one PM
does not make a specification. Mostly. Sorta. Occasionally. Sometimes.
You'd think.

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