Marijn Schouten (hkBst) wrote:
> Marius Mauch wrote:

>> We already have this with USE_EXPAND. Not exactly the same syntax, but
>> I don't see a terrible problem in that, and we don't have to fix all
>> three trillion related tools to handle it. Unless you can come up
>> with a case that can't be handled with USE_EXPAND.
> No, USE_EXPAND is only a way to abbreviate use flags with a common substring
> in their name, such as "impl_guile impl_sbcl impl_clisp" which could be
> encoded interchangeably as either

You're kidding, right?

> USE EXPAND Defines a list of variables which are to be treated incrementally 
> and who
>       contents are to be expanded into the USE variable as passed to ebuilds. 
> Expansion 
>       done as per Algorithm 2. So, for example, if USE EXPAND contains ‘ALSA 
> CARDS’, an
>       the ALSA CARDS variable contains ‘foo’, ‘alsa_cards_foo’ will be 
> appended to USE.

> Algorithm 2: USE EXPAND logic
>   for each variable V listed in USE EXPAND do
>     for each token T in V do
>         append v_T to USE, where v is the lowercase of V
>     end for
>   end for

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