Roy Marples wrote:
> Well, let me be the first to stand for equal rights then!


> I say that for the most part, there should be no technical reason why
> ebuilds cannot be in posix shell whilst being readable and maintainable.

Beside teaching us how to do that.

> If portage or another package manager wishes to uses bash to parse
> ebuilds and eclasses, more power to them! I won't stop that. I just want
> the ability for other shells to do the same. It isn't hard, and you
> don't need to be a rocket scientist. It's not an overnight change, but a
> gradual change.

I'm more radical, what if I want to have my package manager parse
ebuilds w/out needing outside shell but a custom tailed parser (because
of performance)? Nothing prevents to implement the parser from scratch
in both cases...

IFF your proposed changes lead to something that is simpler or as simple
to write, faster or as fast to parse, easier or as easy to
read/maintain; then you may have a solid stance. Otherwise it is a
pointless annoyance for everybody, you first, us second.



Luca Barbato

Gentoo/linux Gentoo/PPC
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