On Tuesday 02 October 2007, Roy Marples wrote:
> On Tue, 2007-10-02 at 06:10 -0400, Mike Frysinger wrote:
> > On Tuesday 02 October 2007, Roy Marples wrote:
> > > A common parlance on Slashdot when referring to Microsoft is that
> > > monoculture is bad. Forcing bash and GNU tools down everyones throat is
> > > no better - it's just replacing one monoculture with another one.
> >
> > wrong.  bash and GNU prevail because they provide useful extensions.  it
> > may be worthwhile to force `find` in the portage environment to be GNU
> > find so we can stop wasting time trying to figure out how to rewrite
> > expressions in ebuilds (which can be done trivially with GNU) with a
> > limited functionality set (such as POSIX).
> BSD find also has the similar extensions, just implemented differently.
> > i may also point out that many GNU extensions get codified in POSIX over
> > time ... why ?  because *they are useful*.
> By the same token I should be able to use BSD extensions if said program
> also works on Linux. Also, BSD extensions get codified in POSIX also. My
> understanding is that a lot of POSIX is based on BSD4.

BSD is a second class citizen to GNU here.  Gentoo started out as a project 
targetting a GNU userland under Linux and will continue for quite sometime 
(forever?) as the majority/core focus.  forcing the project to limit itself 
when there is no gain (yet plenty of pain) for the majority of users is a no 
brainer: no.

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