On Mon, 2007-10-01 at 22:12 +0000, Duncan wrote:
> I had thought the resign/leave/whatever procedure was well laid out -- 
> the person next in elective order (the one that "just missed", so to 
> speak) got the spot.  There had been some debate as to a cutoff, since 
> (assuming a reasonably larger group of candidates than spots) at some 
> point the ranking can be said to be voting /against/ a particular 
> candidate, likely by the last one, anyway, but to my knowledge nothing 
> ever came of said discussion, and it continues down the list in order to 
> the last candidate, if necessary.

The next person is only accepted if the entire remaining Council
unanimously accepts the person.  This really is there to allow a
rejection to keep us from going "in the red" on our candidates.

Chris Gianelloni
Release Engineering Strategic Lead
Alpha/AMD64/x86 Architecture Teams
Games Developer/Foundation Trustee
Gentoo Foundation

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