Alistair Bush kirjoitti:
> I would like to commit a new java eclass within the next week.
> This eclass is designed to support the functionality that Betelgeuse
> outlined within a previous post.[1]
> As you will be able to see, this eclass is very simple and only uses
> functionality that will be provided by the java-utils-2.eclass (see the
> attached patch )
> Basically all the happens is that a file is created under
> /usr/share/java-config-2/virtuals/
> that contains (at present) 3 variables.  This file is then read by our
> java-config-2 application.
> The eclass is currently implemented within the java-virtuals overlay for
> those who are interested
> Any suggestions, improvements and of course approvals will be gladly
> accepted
> Go the All Blacks!!
> Alistair

Is the JAVA_VIRTUAL variable there some old leftover? I don't see it
used anywhere and it's quite useless as you could use hasq
java-virtuals-2 ${INHERIT} any way.


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