On Mon, 20 Aug 2007, Caleb Tennis wrote:

> Title says it all.  There are a lot of open bugs, and I'm trying to clear up 
> some
> sys-libs/db dependency issues.  Does anyone use this package and want to 
> maintain
> it?

Hi Caleb,

i guess this is the reason why x11-misc/hotkeys has been dropped from
portage too. We would have appreciated beeing warned through p.mask or
-dev, or receiving an explanation in the commit message.

Other major distros still maintain this package, and are able to compile
it against db-4.2 [1] (thanks to ulm on IRC for the link). Unless you
see a downside, i propose one of us (ulm|falco) take care of
x11-libs/hotkeys, restore the deleted ebuild, and upgrade to a db-4.2
compatible version in a reasonably short timeframe.

http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg109363.html

Raphael Marichez aka Falco

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