On Thu, 2007-08-16 at 07:25 +0100, Roy Marples wrote: > On Wed, 2007-08-15 at 16:34 -0700, Chris Gianelloni wrote: > > I would expect it to act like any other Linux box and get a new address > > via dhcp, or, if I wasn't using dhcp, sit on the old address, even > > though it is now incorrect, until I changed it. A netplug event should > > trigger dhcp events, but not necessarily the services all dropping. > > After all, I've seen netplug do some funny things, like false positives > > on disconnection and such. I'd much rather my connection drop for a > > second and come back up, so all my packets can simply retransmit and > > everything continues, than have the services also decide to go down and > > refuse to resume any open connections when the connection comes back up. > > TCP has retransmission for a reason. Let's not break it if we don't > > have to do so. > > A vote for NO then?
Yes, a vote for NO from me for the reasons stated above. -- Chris Gianelloni Release Engineering Strategic Lead Alpha/AMD64/x86 Architecture Teams Games Developer/Council Member/Foundation Trustee Gentoo Foundation
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