On Wed, 2007-15-08 at 14:10 +0100, Roy Marples wrote:
> OK, so whilst we're gearing up for hopefully the last baselayout-2
> release candidate I thought I would pose to the list a question I've
> been struggling with for some time.
> Should hotplugged services affect dependencies by default?
> (Note, this is not about enabling hotplugged services by default which
> is another topic for debate. Want to talk about that, start a new thread
> - but save your breath as I have a laptop and think hotplugging is
> good :P)
> By default we've always been YES. But I'm starting now that this should
> be NO.

I believe services that don't bind to a specific address should probably
only depend on net.lo, not net. So then we separate this that really
need the network (and probably only a specific interface and then the
user should modify the script to depend on that interface) and those
that use the network, but don't really need it (like sshd, etc). That
said, I now use networkmanager (to be able to easily select wifi
networks), I don't know how integrated into the whole baselayout-2.

Olivier Crête
Gentoo Developer

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