On Sat, Aug 04, 2007 at 01:01:11AM +0300, Philipp Riegger wrote:
> On Fri, 2007-08-03 at 12:48 -0700, Drake Wyrm wrote:
> > It's not a vulnerability in Rules du Jour. It's a bunch of spammers
> > attacking the Rules du Jour servers and ISP. SARE has also been down a
> > whole bunch over the last couple of months due to the same attack. 
> Which will probably never happen to gentoo, because of the rather bg
> mirroring system. So, would it be possible to host daily (or hourly)
> snapshots of these rule files (or something like that) and tell the
> world that we do so and that they can download these in the nightly
> cronjob? That migth solve a problem and i don't see it becoming a
> problem for the gentoo mirror infrastructure.
This doesn't solve the problem at all.

We still need to get the rules from upstream, and the DDoS is against
upstream. Really, just move to using sa-update instead. It has the
IDENTICAL rulesets, but the update-needed checks are preformed via DNS
instead of an HTTP operation.

Robin Hugh Johnson
Gentoo Linux Developer & Council Member
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