Pierre-Yves Rofes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, August 3, 2007 2:07 am, Robin H. Johnson wrote:
> > The upstream rules_du_jour folk have had issues over the last few
> > months with DDoS and other attacks. Additionally, the nature of
> > their original update mechanism causes a lot of traffic.
> >
> > Everybody that is using rules_du_jour is strongly encouraged to move
> > to using the sa-update mechanism that is included with recent
> > versions of SpamAssassin.
> >
> > Here is a guide to using SARE rulesets with sa-update:
> > http://daryl.dostech.ca/sa-update/sare/sare-sa-update-howto.txt
> >
> > mail-filter/spamassassin-ruledujour will be p.masked on August 4th,
> > and removed one month thereafter.
> Do you have references for this security issues? Maybe a bug should be
> opened to decide if we release a maskglsa for this one.
It's not a vulnerability in Rules du Jour. It's a bunch of spammers
attacking the Rules du Jour servers and ISP. SARE has also been down a
whole bunch over the last couple of months due to the same attack.

"Such things have often happened and still happen,
 and how can these be signs of the end of the world?"
  -- Julian, Emperor of Rome 361-363 A.D.

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