"Eric Polino" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Would it be possible to have all the protocols for net-im/pidgin
> turned on by default.  We often get people coming to #pidgin looking
> for help as to why they can't get MSN or some other protocol working.
> It most often is because they haven't enabled the given protocol USE
> flag.

 Without doubting the decision made about the msn USE flag, here are
some quotes from a bug report:

"I am not sure if it's a bug ...
anyway, at least on AMD64 you have removed MSN protocol.
Right now I am avoiding an upgrade because the flag has been marked as
not usable.[...]"

[Some discussion later]

"If I see (-msn%*) and as far as I know it means that you are removing
the protocol." [Editor's note: (-msn%) means that the USE flag has been
removed and was not enabled]

[Even more bitching]

"Otherwise, if this was not the case, it's not written anywhere that
this flag is incorporated .... oh, yes I know it is in the Changelog,
and I have read it before filing this bug, but come on ... that's not
the point. In this case, you should do like skype, i.e.: emerge pidgin
(msn) (yahoo) (icq) spell tcl tk -avahi -bonjour ... and so far and so
on ... and you should not delete/remove the flag in the way you did.

Licq still uses msn flag .... so I user may understand that licq is the
only software supporting MSN."



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