On Fri, 2007-20-07 at 00:57 +0100, Olivier Crête wrote:
> On Thu, 2007-19-07 at 15:22 -0700, Chris Gianelloni wrote:
> > On Thu, 2007-07-19 at 16:02 -0600, Jim Ramsay wrote:
> > > I'm all for doing it now in the profile, but it's not my package.
> > > Perhaps someone from the net-im herd can make this decision?
> > 
> > Well, as someone who spends a lot of time working on/with profiles, I
> > say go for it.  Since these changes would only affect the one package
> > and wouldn't pull in any "strange" dependencies on people, we should
> > probably do it as high in the profile structure as possible (base?
> > default-linux?) so it hits the most users.
> > 
> > I'd like to hear from net-im, as they're ultimately responsible, but I
> > don't really see the harm in doing it, so we probably should as it will
> > reduce headaches for our users.
> Talking with my net-im hat, I'd say go for it.. Except for silc and
> zephyr (which may or may not work very well) and should probably stay
> off.
Again with my net-im hat, I've removed the MSN use flag from
net-im/pidgin-2.0.2 (the latest version). The other protocols are rarely
used and have nasty dependencies and will stay as use flags. I consider
this discussion closed.

Olivier Crête
Gentoo Developer

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