Seemant Kulleen wrote:
> Thanks for expressing your point of view that clearly.  I stand with
> you.

<snip: More clear arguments>

I'm just adding one more comment that I don't think I've seen yet in
this thread.  (Although it's been a long thread, and I don't remember
all the points from all the other mails this late in the game...)

To my recollection, the recent flame wars have for the most part been
between devs and non-devs.

Now, this proposed moderation only addresses one half (the non-dev
side) of that "problem", by moderating it away.  I personally think
that a better solution would be to address the side of the
problem, since that is, in theory, something that we already have
control over via devrel.

If we have our own house in order and provide leadership and direction
on the list by not replying to personal attacks (or perceived personal
attacks) with more personal attacks (or perceived personal attacks),
and always keeping "our side" of the technical discussions purely
technical and non-sarcastic, I really believe that flame wars will just
flicker and die.

Maybe this just means that we need more people to report "developers
acting badly" to devrel.

In closing, I also disagree with the Moderation Proposal.  I think
that it may stop the flame wars at the cost of stopping valuable

Jim Ramsay
Gentoo/Linux Developer (rox,gkrellm)

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