
One additional note, my proposal doesn't account for controlling
flaming, disrespect or general asshatery (discounting outright
ridiculous things like blatantly insulting people, that's a no-no). That
I am afraid is just one of the natures of communities our size. There is
no way we can curtail people from speaking their minds publicly, if you
ban someone from a list they will find somewhere else, equally as
public, to be an asshat...and now they have valid ammunition...granted
this "somewhere else" won't necessarily be visible to you (for any value
of you) so your panties might get less bunchy...but frankly any damage
will still be done...

The point is so that you can *ignore* it when it happens...trying to
stop it is an exercise in futility and will only make your hair gray and
your stress level increase...people will be assholes...that's just
people I'm afraid...


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