Mike Doty wrote:
> All-
> We're going to change the -dev mailing list from completely open to where only
> devs can post, but any dev could moderate a non-dev post.  devs who moderate 
> in
>  bad posts will be subject to moderation themselves.  in addition the
> gentoo-project list will be created to take over what -dev frequently becomes.
>  there is no requirement to be on this new list.
> This will probably remove the need for -core(everything gets leaked out 
> anyway)
> but that's a path to cross later.
> We're voting on this next council meeting so if you have input, now would be
> the time.

I heard a lot of good or interesting solutions for our ML "problems" but
this wasn't one of them.  Why don't we create the gentoo-project mailing
list, and, you know, actually wait a bit to see how that actually goes.
 Then we can talk about how best to handle -dev.  One shit at a time,

If you want to make -dev dev-only then fine, but drop the moderation
gimmick.  People can post to -project or email privately and if a
developer thinks it's something everyone should see it they can simply
forward it.

dirtyepic                 salesman said this vacuum's guaranteed
 gentoo org          it could suck an ancient virus from the sea
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