Tiziano Müller wrote:
> Sorry for the "atomic" posts, I should rather first think before hitting
> the send button :-\
> The problem with the proposed einput.eclass is that the user has to use
> the commandline for that, which is fine for a lot of people.
> At the moment I'd rather like to see a proposal for an "API" (together
> with the use cases it tries to solve) and leave the implementation
> aside. Hoping that we get a solution which doesn't depend on the
> commandline but can also be used with a GUI, a braille-display, etc.

What would you think of a zenity-like API (it's a gnome utility) ? I
think it's pretty much like dialog, there could be a way to write a
common script for both based on a set of use cases.

I think debian *gasp* has something like that. Could be worth taking a
look at what they did.


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