On Tue, 1 May 2007 17:34:07 -0700
Brian Harring <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, May 02, 2007 at 12:55:05AM +0100, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> > You're talking implementation details. This isn't the time for that!
> > No-one has worked out what, if anything, is to be done, so you can't
> > know how much work whatever it is is.
> > 
> > Having said that, there's no need to figure it out for the whole
> > tree in one go if it's an EAPI change.
> Please stop stating that fallacy; binding it into an EAPI version 
> means you *have* to plan for the whole tree (meaning figure it out up 
> front).

It means figuring it out up front, but not changing the whole tree at
once, which is where the problem is.

Ciaran McCreesh

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