
Why do people keep repeating this myth? As kloeri pointed out,
developer base keeps growing constantly.

That's really a good news. And yo're right of course, developer base keeps growing. But... A problem remains : is a "fresh" developer as "efficient" as a "guru" devlopper ?. Of course, I don't mean that fresh devs make bad work (thanks guys for the nice work you make, really), I just mean that for each "old" dev who retire, a new dev cannot replace him automagically. It takes some time, to know each other, learn the way things are used to be done, etc.. And especially with such a complex organisation, this represents a lot of work !

What is more, even if Gentoo is always growing, why are people leaving ? Personal reasons ? No, in fact I read carefully each of the retire mails in the last year : very often people are just fed up with conflicts, tired of people just slacking around, etc.. Are these last counted in "growing dev base" ? IMHO, Gentoo need a large rethinking of its internal structure, and, what is more, a rethinking of its recruitement process. But I remember that this point has already been discussed ?

In the last months, a some talented devs gone, and a few others were thinking to do so. How much more before deciding to simplify our organisation ?
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