Bryan Østergaard napsal(a):
> On Sun, Mar 04, 2007 at 11:31:56PM +0000, Hubert Mercier wrote:
>> What is more, even if Gentoo is always growing, why are people leaving ? 
>> Personal reasons ? No, in fact I read carefully each of the retire mails 
>> in the last year : very often people are just fed up with conflicts, 
>> tired of people just slacking around, etc.. Are these last counted in 
>> "growing dev base" ? IMHO, Gentoo need a large rethinking of its internal 
>> structure, and, what is more, a rethinking of its recruitement process. 
>> But I remember that this point has already been discussed ?
> Please don't base your entire opinion on those very few retirement
> announcements you've seen. Most devs that retire simply run out of time
> for gentoo due to real life commitments etc. or move on to other open
> source projects.
> Regards,
> Bryan Østergaard

OK, let me get this straight... You are suggesting here that we are not
losing enough developers for devrel/userrel to be bothered enough to
start caring about WTH is going wrong here?

Sure, after Flameeyes left we have pam + alsa pretty much unmaintained,
we've lost a key KDE + sound apps developer + BSD lead; next we've lost
metalgod who was a member of already pretty understaffed Gnome herd, one
of 3 members of media-optical herd and sounds apps maintainer as well.
Then a developer and founder of this distribution who rejoined just
about a week ago ran away, scared when seeing the state of things.
That's just for the past month.

And you come here to tell us that people shouldn't get confused by these
'very few' retirements, that the sun in still shining nicely and we are
recruiting people as always? And that you will continue silently
watching the trolls team associated around mips and ciaranm call people
fuckheads, idiots and making a gutter of something that's supposed to be
a development mailing list?

Ugh... well done.

Best regards,

 Jakub Moc
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