OK. If that's not possible, I'll push for the "banned from gentoo
development" status as it obviously makes sense, will help Gentoo, and
will not impact PMS. If Ciaran is sticking around on this list using
PMS as a pretext to insult various people and projects, then this is
more than acceptable grounds to be banned from gentoo development IMO
and thus allow my suggestion to be put into action.

Really, I don't see any reason for any party to fight my suggestion,
as it would benefit everyone. If people are truly concerned about
productivity, then I would expect them to support it.


On 3/4/07, Petteri Räty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Daniel Robbins wrote:
> Rationale: You (Ciaran) have already been explicitly banned from
> Gentoo development yet are acting as the project's official spokesman
> on this list which is clearly a Gentoo development list. I am asking
> that you have a basic respect for your removal from Gentoo, despite
> your personal feelings, which to me means that you are not "involved"
> as a developer on a day-to-day basis and not working directly with
> other Gentoo developers - except those that might want or need to work
> with you on non-Gentoo projects (who can then freely interact with you
> on non-Gentoo lists.)

There is a difference between being banned from Gentoo development and
losing developer status.


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