On Thursday 01 February 2007 18:48, Mike Frysinger wrote:
> On Thursday 01 February 2007, Daniel Black wrote:
> > Also creates the following symlinks to it
> i dont see much value in these symlinks ... what do they gain us ?

An easy way to find the closest config when merging a revision/version bump of 
the same package. There are probably some cleaner ways with portage foo.

I see your point that it is a weak reason for symlinks to exist. The hard work 
should be done by the eclass to find the closest config.

> > As some packages, like uclibc, have regular cross compile functionality
> > which require separate config files for each host. This can be achieved
> > with the -s option.
> i dont think the ebuild should care whether it's being cross-compiled ...
> any package should be cross-compilable so the ebuild should really be
> agnostic
> in other words, the search path for the .config should always check
> $CTARGET subdirs followed by $CHOST followed by the normal $CATEGORY

Sure, makes sense.

So clarifying by default the save_config will store it in normal $CATEGORY and 
allow the user to move it into under specific $CTARGET or $CHOST directory if 
that is their desire.

> -mike

Daniel Black <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gentoo Foundation

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