Hi, I have been trying to do this with other programs. It seems every time I turn around though it is not working like it should. I used powstatd back when I was using Mandrake. It is really small, easy to set up, and it works very well. I recently found out that nut does not work like I thought it was. It does not shutdown my puter or anything. It just sits there running. I can get the info from the UPS though, temps and all.
This program is what works with CyberPower UPSs. It is what CyberPower said to use and it works well, except on Gentoo. It can work on almost any UPS though. I have a good bit of info about this program but I have no programing experience at all. It has not changed in years so it likely will be very easy to maintain. This is the home page: http://dollar.biz.uiowa.edu/powstatd/man.html The email address for the person that wrote powstatd is there as well, It's at the bottom. I contacted him a long time ago but I guess he got busy and forgot. Then I thought I had something that was working too. I have a computer that I can install Mandrake on and do a install to see where everything goes. Maybe then me and someone can figure out how to make it work on Gentoo. Is there a kind soul here that would be willing to help a Gentoo nut get this working? I have never done anything like this before. I dunno if you should hope this is the start of something or not. LOL Thanks for any help you can provide. Dale :-) :-) :-) -- www.myspace.com/dalek1967 -- gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list