Thomas Kear wrote:
> Have you considered other software alternatives?
> My prefered UPS monitor is NUT (sys-power/nut on gentoo)
> Highly (and I do mean HIGHLY) configurable, support for many different
> brands of UPS, shutdown of multiple network-connected PCs on the same
> UPS, even GUI apps for display of UPS state data (see
> net-misc/knutclient).
> Have a look if it does what you need.
> --Thomas

Actually, that is what I have been using, or trying to.  It just doesn't
do the same as powstatd.  It waits until the batteries are about dead
then does it's thing.  Powstatd doesn't.  I can set it to wait a certain
amount of time after power fails then tell it to shut down.  Generally
where I live, if the power is off more than about 5 minutes, it will be
a while.  There is no need for me to run down the batteries and shorten
their lifespan just because the program is set up that way.  That said,
the last time I had a power failure, it didn't do anything.  It just ran
until it died.  It was pissed too. 

I'm just hoping I can get powstatd installed and working.  I have tried
before but it never worked right.  Gentoo has different init stuff.  I
think that is the biggest problem is the init part.  Mandrake has the
number system where Gentoo has, boot, default etc.  I just couldn't get
it installed right manually.

Thanks for the info though.  I wish it did work the same as powstatd.


:-)  :-)  :-)  :-)


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