Diego 'Flameeyes' Pettenò wrote:
>> Of course, MUAs such as Thunderbird don't give you the possibility to
>> set that and it will be the same as your  From address.
> Shouldn't be your provider's mail server to set it? Both of my SSL-enabled 
> mail servers, that are authenticated (GMail and the Italian postal service) 
> set this correctly, thus I don't have the SPF_NEUTRAL error on them.
Return-Path header field is introduced by the MTA when it receives the
mail from the other party. The protocol is like this:

    mail from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    250 Ok
    rcpt to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    250 Ok
    354 End data with <CR><LF>.<CR><LF>
    Subject: test
    From: "John Doe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    To: "Suzy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

    test message
    250 Ok: queued as 9EE1A64798
    221 Bye

Here you have [EMAIL PROTECTED] as Return-Path. Please note the fact that
submitted message does not have such field yet and even if it had, it
would be overridden by the MTA with what I specified in "mail from:"
Because I used telnet, I was able to specify 2 different addresses for
the From and Return-Path addresses, but all the MUAs I worked with have
no such fine grained settings. For Thunderbird, when I say I want to
send mail as [EMAIL PROTECTED], the same address will go also in the

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