Mike Frysinger wrote:
> On Monday 06 November 2006 17:09, Alin Nastac wrote:
>> I re-stated my case in comment #14
> most of your dislike for SPF centers around the idea you dont want to send 
> mail via gentoo.org mail servers ... is this really a problem ?  seems like 
> it's pretty trivial to do so
I admit I dislike SPF, but this isn't the issue. I don't ask Gentoo to
join me in a crusade against SPF (I have better things to do with my
life). The issue is we shouldn't have this TXT record for the g.o domain.
While I could use smtp.g.o to send my email, others might be less lucky
than me. Devs should have a choice whether they use Gentoo SMTP server
or not, or at least this is opinion on the matter.

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