Ciaran McCreesh napsal(a):
> On Tue, 31 Oct 2006 11:57:37 -0500 Alec Warner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> | I picked a random e-mail to reply to.  I don't maintain that many 
> | packages (maybe 10 or so?).  But if I have a bug (particularly a sec
> | bug as in this case) and you haven't stablized it after five months
> | then I'll probably just nuke the ebuild and drop your keywords
> Which is dumb. There's no harm to be had in just leaving the ebuild
> there.
Accumulating broken old vulnerable and unsupported junk in tree for the
sole sake of arches that noone cares about enough to keyword something
newer for months harms everyone who uses rsync, wastes disk space for
users, wastes disk space on mirrors, makes CVS and portage slower,
wastes maintainers time... No harm? Nonsense.

Best regards,

 Jakub Moc
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