Am Montag, 30. Oktober 2006 22:19 schrieb Piotr Jaroszyński:
> > Whitespace. Not space.
> >
> > E_IUSE=$'foo\tX'
> Ok, you are right here. Sorry for saying that you don't know what you
> are talking about, it seems you do. But don't assume that everyone
> else don't. And for future you could be more specific, "Doesn't
> work", esp. If something do work(not the right way tho, but the goal
> is reached), is not enough. You wouldn't like to read such bug
And this is the point: Your definition of 'works' is (in my eyes) at 
least sloppy. If it doesn't work for all sensible cases, it shouldn't 
be labelled as 'works'.
> reports about paludis, would you?
This is why we discourage bugreports w/p prior contact on IRC.
Danny van Dyk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gentoo/AMD64 Project, Gentoo Scientific Project

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