On Mon, Oct 30, 2006 at 11:09:53AM -0500, Chris Gianelloni wrote:
> On Sat, 2006-10-28 at 08:28 +0200, George Shapovalov wrote:
> > Wanna guess how many of those happen to be stale?
> I would suspect fewer than you think.  As an example, I have a few
> packages which belong to no herd, but have me listed as maintainer.
> Many of the no-herd packages are the same.  Not being grouped with other
> packages doesn't mean it is unmaintained.
I agree.  All my rox stuff (rox-base/* and rox-extra/*) kind of
fits into many different herds.  Or no herd.  Or maybe its own
new herd.

> So this bears the question, what is the proper solution?
> Make <herd> optional?
> Force the maintainer's email into <herd> for packages without a herd?

Or force each maintainer of herdless packages to create their own
special herd.  Which I may end up doing with my rox packages

Jim Ramsay
Gentoo/Linux Developer (rox)

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