I request that this tag be made optional in the metadata.xml DTD.

While ideally it is beneficial to have every package in a herd, in practice this doesn't occur.

22:28 <@omp> $ herdstat -pq no-herd | wc -l
22:28 <@omp> 1819
22:28 <@omp> looks like a lot of fixing is needed :)

nearly 1/5 of our tree is herdless.

Is a "real herd" a real requirement of a package? I would say realistically no. Thus the herd tag should be optional but highly encouraged.

Why do I care?

Because people don't always put "no-herd", they can misspell it, they put non-standard stuff in the herd tag, they put bug-wranglers in the herd tag...etc...

It's difficult to search for packages without a herd when 'no-herd' is really N different strings.

If your package is not in a herd, just leave the tag out. We can adjust the searching tools to list packages with no herd tag.

-Alec Warner
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

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