Matthew Marlowe wrote: > If we could get a license donated, my vote would be to switch to Atlassian > Jira, It seems to be gaining > mindshare rather quickly, and the company I work for just shelled out $2,400 > because they liked it so much more than RT/Bugzilla. I believe it supports > multiple DB backends, including all the usual suspects.
Maybe it's just me, but I think that having such a core component of the distribution be proprietary is in complete violation of Gentoo's Social Contract[1] (if not the letter of it, then its spirit of openness). It states: "Gentoo will never never depend upon a piece of software or metadata unless it conforms to the GNU General Public License, the GNU Lesser General Public License, the Creative Commons - Attribution/Share Alike or some other license approved by the Open Source Initiative (OSI)." Isn't this one of the driving reasons why our forums run phpBB instead of something like vBulletin, for example? :) [1] -- Peter Gordon (codergeek42) Gentoo Forums Global Moderator GnuPG Public Key ID: 0xFFC19479 / Fingerprint: DD68 A414 56BD 6368 D957 9666 4268 CB7A FFC1 9479 My Blog:
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