On Tue, 2006-08-01 at 16:05 +0200, Kevin F. Quinn wrote:
> > 2. [...] Therefore I do not believe that QA for a tree that is as
> > extensive as Sunrise done by a few 'official' developers amounts to
> > much real world quality.
> I would expect that over time, the Sunrise developers will learn more
> and more how to write quality ebuilds (as hopefully do we all).  Since
> they'll be working with a diverse set of stuff, they could become better
> than most devs at this.  Remember that since they have custody of the
> stuff in the Sunrise overlay, they will be hit with whatever issues
> arise from their work.

I expect the developers involved to be able to write quality ebuilds
right now, otherwise they shouldn't be developers. However, I don't
expect them to write quality ebuilds for everything in the tree, there
are a lot of packages that need specific knowledge to make a correct
ebuild. That is why we got the herd system, that is why we have a couple
of hundred ebuilders who all have their own specific parts of the tree
to take care of.

> What it does give you is a track record you can look through - in much
> the same way you might have watched what someone did on bugzilla or
> IRC.  Indeed I'd suggest that the history in Sunrise SVN would be
> useful to indicate whether someone is learning how to write ebuilds
> properly, or just continues to make the same errors.

Ebuilding is such a small part of the job I wouldn't seriously take it
into account, to me much more important is the bughandling skills of a
potential developer. Is he/she able to distill the right information
from a report, ask for the right additional info and come to a practical
and neat solution ?

- Marinus

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