On 7/30/06, Ciaran McCreesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Sun, 30 Jul 2006 23:20:16 -0500 "Alex Tarkovsky"
| This "no QA" accusation is a complete myth. QA led by actual Gentoo
| developers is indeed in place at Sunrise [1].

Did you look at *which* actual Gentoo developers are on the list?

I'm not certain what you're insinuating here, but yes, I'm a Sunrise
contributor so I work with these Gentoo devs and watch them interact
with everyone daily. They're quite competent, hard-working, friendly
and helpful. Thanks largely in part to their efforts, 4 regular
Sunrise contributors have already decided to increase their
involvement by becoming "trusted committers", and they may very soon
become full-fledged Gentoo developers (the traditional way of course).

Even that aside, if a couple of hundred developers can't handle doing
QA for all those maintainer-wanted ebuilds, what makes you think four
people can?

Sunrise only became functional about a month ago. Give it time.

It's true there are only 4 Gentoo devs *currently* presiding, but they
only oversee the ~150 ebuilds that are currently in Sunrise. As
Sunrise succeeds (and all indications are it's working quite well so
far), more Gentoo devs will no doubt choose to participate. Also note
that it isn't Sunrise's goal to move every single
maintainer-wanted/maintainer-needed ebuild into the overlay, so it's
not fair to judge the project's capabilities against such a lofty
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