On Wed, Aug 02, 2006 at 02:53:58PM -0500, Alex Tarkovsky wrote: > http://www.gentoo-sunrise.org/sunrise/wiki/SunriseFaq#ButBugzillaisactuallyeasier
says: "We do think that Sunrise is easier." [..] "But in contrast to that it requires more knowledge and tools to get something into sunrise - more work for contributors. Also contributors have to get their ebuilds reviewed before committing - bugzilla is easier here." So perhaps some things are more complicated and each solution has their (dis-)advantages. Hence it's not always best to drop a line to a FAQ to prove a point. cheers, Wernfried -- Wernfried Haas (amne) - amne at gentoo dot org Gentoo Forums: http://forums.gentoo.org IRC: #gentoo-forums on freenode - email: forum-mods at gentoo dot org
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