Attached is an overhaul of John's code. Aside from some bugfixes and readability improvements, the most significant changes are:
- Renamed functions to follow de facto and emerging Portage API naming conventions. - Validation of input for the list prompt and confirmation prompt functions. - Added more terminal color codes, based on the codes from Portage's module. - Improved handling when Portage's NOCOLOR environment var is set. I've left some test code at the end to make it easy for everyone (and I do mean everyone; this sucker needs a lot of testing) to try out the various interactive prompts this eclass provides -- just run the eclass directly and have fun. You can also run it in no color mode thusly: # NOCOLOR=true ./einput.eclass If your system is already set to no color by default, you should be able to turn on color like so: # NOCOLOR= ./einput.eclass
Description: Binary data