On Fri, 2006-07-14 at 15:59 +0100, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> On Fri, 14 Jul 2006 10:43:54 -0400 Chris Gianelloni
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> | If the package only uses libmad, and libmad doesn't work on $platform,
> | then why not simply disable mp3 support on that platform until libmad
> | is fixed?
> Because it confuses the hell out of users who want to know why they're
> not getting mp3 support despite a package being shown as being built
> with USE=mp3.
Uhh... einfo/elog/ewarn/etc...

Chris Gianelloni
Release Engineering - Strategic Lead
x86 Architecture Team
Games - Developer
Gentoo Linux

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