On Fri, 2006-07-14 at 16:20 +0200, Diego 'Flameeyes' Pettenò wrote:
> Per-package use.mask is not here for another year and in the mean time I 
> needed a working solution, this is it.

While it is a "working" solution, it isn't necessarily a sensible one.

If the package only uses libmad, and libmad doesn't work on $platform,
then why not simply disable mp3 support on that platform until libmad is
fixed?  Why *force* people to use USE="mp3 mad" on a platform where it
*does* work?

> I would also say that it helps not to overload the same useflag with 
> different 
> meanings, as we already seen a couple of times where v4l and v4l2 useflags 
> are better to be two different things, ibidem for qt3/qt4.

It isn't overloading it, at all.

USE="mp3" means "I want mp3 support" and not "I want mp3 support unless
it happens to use libmad in which case I also need to add mad to my

Seriously, if the mp3 support via libmad doesn't work on a platform,
drop it.  Don't make everyone else jump through hoops because a few
platforms don't support it.

Chris Gianelloni
Release Engineering - Strategic Lead
x86 Architecture Team
Games - Developer
Gentoo Linux

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