On Tuesday 13 June 2006 01:00, Stephen Bennett wrote:
> My current idea is to draw up a formal specification of what ebuilds
> are allowed to do, and what to assume about the environment in which
> they run, as well as defining the formats of everything under
> profiles/, metadata.xml files, and other auxiliary information in the
> tree. I would envision the first version of this document to more or
> less codify existing practise, perhaps excluding some dubious tricks
> that are known to break in some cases. Generally, it should be possible
> to make the tree conform to the first version of the specification by
> changes no more significant than currently have QA bugs filed for them.
Metadata.xml files are already formally defined in 

You are welcome to extend/copy this information. Otherwise, go ahead. I don't 
see problems with codifying what ebuilds are allowed and not allowed to do.


Paul de Vrieze
Gentoo Developer
Homepage: http://www.devrieze.net

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