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Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> On Thu, 06 Jul 2006 14:31:56 -0700 Joshua Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> | Or instead of throwing a hissy fit yourself about diego not agreeing
> | with you..I don't know you could go and show the way that you feel it
> | should be done and show the technical merit.  Ciaran I will give you
> | that you are a capable programmer, and had valid arguments in this
> | thread. However, when interacting with people and proving points on
> | merits you seem to go out of your way to not prove anything and throw
> | examples out there without really backing them up.
> No, I go out of my way to avoid posting hundred page essays explaining
> things that people already know. If there's really anyone reading this
> discussion who doesn't understand any of the points being discussed,
> they're more than welcome to ask for clarification. However, given how
> basic an issue this is, is it really worth wasting everyone's time with
> huge explanations of what CFLAGS is?
> Come on, do you really think anyone will benefit from another
> http://dev.gentoo.org/~blubb/duncan.pdf ?

Stephen Bennett wrote:
> On Thu, 06 Jul 2006 14:31:56 -0700
> Joshua Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Or instead of throwing a hissy fit yourself about diego not agreeing
>> with you..I don't know you could go and show the way that you feel it
>> should be done and show the technical merit.
> He already has done.

After reading this thread I can see this is just another one of ciaran's
b.s games that Stephen happens to back. My question is just how far up
ciaran's ass does stephen go. I am begining to think we will never get
to the end if ciaran and his bullshit around gentoo, nor will we ever
get rid of stephen's bullshit around gentoo. But the project continues
to allow such non-sence and wonders why devs are still walking away.

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