On Sun, 2006-07-02 at 15:26 -0400, Mike Frysinger wrote:
> > What has the existence of Sunrise done for Gentoo?  What new packages
> > are now in the tree because of it?  What new developers have been
> > recruited because of it?  What packages that were previously without
> > maintainers in the tree have found maintainers due to Sunrise?
> why do any of these matter at this point of time ?  you cant kill a project 
> for failing to accomplish any of its goals when it hasnt been given real time 
> yet to actually accomplish them

Nor was I trying to in any way.  Instead, I don't see any point in
discussing something that still needs time to mature.  The project
hasn't been around long enough to accomplish anything, so again, what is
there to discuss?

Chris Gianelloni
Release Engineering - Strategic Lead
x86 Architecture Team
Games - Developer
Gentoo Linux

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