Donnie Berkholz wrote:

> I propose that all need-to-know announcements and decisions be posted to
> a separate, moderated (or restricted posting) gentoo-dev-announce list
> to ensure that no developers lose track of what really matters.
> Hopefully, this will also help to give more focus to discussions on
> gentoo-dev because the goal will be to get a real decision to send to
> gentoo-dev-announce.

Outside if this being more centered around dev-only announcements, could
the current -announce list suffice? I'd hate to need to subscribe to
yet-another-announcement-list (or make our developers/users). Our
-announce list certainly has the historical presence where the most of
our user-base would see something. I guess if this isn't the case, then
I don't see a problem with the new list.

Lance Albertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gentoo Infrastructure | Operations Manager

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