On Fri, 2006-06-23 at 06:50 -0500, Joshua Nichols wrote:
> > OK, so - java folks, please, take your java migration overlay bugs
> > somewhere else from bugzilla.
The gentoo-java developers have been working their tails off for over a
year to do a massive migration (far broader reaching than the average
GCC major version upgrade). That you would turn around and tell them to
begone from Gentoo bugzilla with this work is really a bit off colour.

They deserve every possible accolade we can give them for their
dedication to the cause, and every bit of support we can muster to help
them see this project through to completion.


Andrew Frederick Cowie

Technology strategy, managing change, establishing procedures,
and executing successful upgrades to mission critical business


Sydney   New York   Toronto   London

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