On Monday 19 June 2006 13:16, Flammie Pirinen wrote:
> 2006-06-19, Jan Kundrát sanoi, jotta:
> > Paul de Vrieze wrote:
> > > What about messages output by ebuilds? Are they also going to be
> > > translated? In that case, how?
> >
> > There's no way to provide localized output of einfo/... calls from
> > ebuild that I'm aware of. Suggestions are welcome :)
> Is there a reason why calling gettext from einfo() etc. or extracting
> messages from tree using e.g. xgettext wouldn’t work?

this would make it impossible to translate strings when einfo is given 
user-based variables (die "econf $* failed")

just use bash's system for translating strings:
echo $"hihihihi"

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